Alice a.k.a The Pixie Alien (is a real alien honest) specialises in disguises and colour-whoring. A once avid Blur fan, who is (still) stuck in the 90s and believes that time beyond 1999 is sheer science fiction!
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
"Evil" Dave as he perhaps wants you to see him! I chose to use ink as Dave is a comic book illustrator..hence the simplicity of colour choice in my image!
OI LassFace EyeLid! you better update soon or I'll be forced to throw another brief at you, double your work load n give you the fear! hehehe Im kidding but I wanna see some more of your lovely drawing soon! xoxox
Hi You, glad you k and survived the 'Show'. The sketches are great - you've really captured Will!
See you soon, Luv&Hugs XX Vicky XX
OI LassFace EyeLid! you better update soon or I'll be forced to throw another brief at you, double your work load n give you the fear! hehehe Im kidding but I wanna see some more of your lovely drawing soon! xoxox
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