Alice a.k.a The Pixie Alien (is a real alien honest) specialises in disguises and colour-whoring. A once avid Blur fan, who is (still) stuck in the 90s and believes that time beyond 1999 is sheer science fiction!
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
This is InspectorMarmalade's & my little zine...keep your eye open for it. It makes a good & informative (hilarious) read. Here's a little teaser.
This was For an editorial Brief for a short story at Uni. Just a bit of collage, and cropping done on the ole photoshop. Paint & collage...hmmm a theme is emerging.
I'm sure you all know what this is. Collage, paint. simple.
This is the same Process as before, as you can see there are no gremlin faces to distract you!!
I was just playing around with sketches, collage & photoshop. I come from a fashion background and like creating images that relate to that. The inspector can't look at this image without bursting into laughter, if you look at the handbag there is an evil gremlin face...